sometimes, very infrequently.

11 June 2003

it's been a disgustingly long time since i updated... school took over and damn near killed me... blast on work.  but now it's vacation again... and lara's birthday!  everyone say happy birthday... there you go.  although i have no way of ascertaining whether or not you wished my friend a happy birthday... i have faith that you did, teehee.  you are all melty chickens.  enjoy yourselves.  as a side note; pearl jam owns all your Souls and has for some time now.  you may or may not be aware of this.  so to remedy and educate your Souls, you should listen to as much pearl jam as possible.

cd of the week:  yield- pearl jam

song of the week: garden- pearl jam from the album ten

books of the week: the metamorphosis, by franz kafka, and scar tissue, by michael ignatieff

person of the week: gertrude stein

movie of the week: silence of the lambs


10 December 2002

felt like updating.  so now there's this.  thanks to summer.


1 December 2002

well hello, i'm quite the busy beaver, no? lol.  i updated the diseases, at lara's request.  also made a list of stuff to do instead of other stuff  have fun.  hope your thanksgiving was fun.

cd of the week: violater- depeche mode

book of the week: the counter-revolution of science, by f. a. hayek.

person of the week: frida kahlo

movie of the week: gosh it's been a while... ok... rififi, 1955, black and white, french, heist movie with jean servais, directed by i forgot.


14 September 2002

hey, i wrote an essay on coming of age stories... it's not in good essay form, it's just raw idea.  if you steal it i'll kill you; i'm extremely proud of it.  other than that, i put up a new disease... i do intend to get some picture up.. and yes, i DID get one of teresa's pink hair! love.

cd of the week: nascer, traditional portuguese, sefardic, and yemeni music

book of the week: kurt cobain, by rolling stone

person of the week: adina richman

movie of the week: the basketball diaries- don't know the specifics, it's the true story of jim carroll and it has leonardo dicaprio.. watch it, it's interesting


1 September 2002

hello again, beeyoutiful people.  i added some poe and some oscar wilde to the poetry section.  the conqueror worm is absolutely amazing to me, and i went ahead and put in the raven because dear ol natalie would complain if i left it out.  so that's all that's new, i still don't have pictures up, and won't... hahaha!  and i've updated the friends section.  that's all that's new.  as usual, email me if you feel like it.

cd of the week: pj harvey- rid of me

book of the week: the first circle, aleksandr i. solzhenitsyn

person of the week: tim burton

movie of the week: open your eyes- dir. alejandro amenabar- color, talkie, spanish, 1997


17 August 2002

so here's the place for updaters... sorry, this site isn't all the way up already, but i got sick of having a site that was always down.  so i'm doing my best to fix the menu... and this is up now, because you're reading what i've typed (duh).  i'll probably never put up any more updates, and not ever fix the pictures, because school's about to start again and i'm going to get busy.  but hey, there's something here!

cd of the week- suicidal tendencies- freedumb

book of the week- on the road- jack kerouac

person of the week- baz luhrman

movie of the week- the battleship potemkin- dir. sergei eisenstein- b&w, silent, russian, old.

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