list of things to do when you need to do something else

remedies for boredom, anger, apathy, etc.

mostly free


count your cds

burn old reports and tests somewhere safe



listen to miles davis and drink coffee

go to the park and swing

write an analytical report that is very involved

homework/ projects

make up calendars for different things (like a fake dance ensemble's touring calendar)

make up a fake city and try to think of everything those people will possibly need to survive (clothing, plumbing, etc.)

rearrange the furniture

look through old issues of national geographic and try to find something specific (number of tits, certain cities, etc) or just browse

write form thank you letters and save them for upcoming holidays



try to count your teeth with your tongue

become an expert on the different stages of a disease

become an expert on the different features of personality disorders

become an expert on the filmography of a random actor

become an expert on existentialism and its roots, basic tenets, etc.

read a book you loved when you were eight

read the trivial pursuit cards and learn stuff like that

go to the library and look at outdated textbooks on a subject you're studying now

masturbate (self love is a beautiful thing)

try to make up new poses for the kama sutra

write really bad porn, and make it cheesy, awful, and objectionable on purpose

find a quote and make it into a poster

feed pigeons and piss off all the people like me who hate them.

appear otherworldly and smile at strangers. if you have to talk, speak in riddles or say wise sounding things.

do research on what exactly is in all the different drugs


eat a square of chocolate and pretend you're british (you have to smile a big fake toothy smile and say "ooh! choc'late", whereupon you pop the square into your mouth)

research your favorite musician (or if you're pretty much an expert, research a different one who you like)

email an old friend

do google searches with the names of people you know

clean out the fridge

research nikita kruschev

go to the science news website

change the names of people you know without telling them and then snicker each time they address each other by their obsolete names

