Oh, the theater.  That beautiful, glorious ancient art.  Equally, in my opinion, is its younger and arguably more popular cousin, film.  I love these two mediums in spite of all their idiosyncracies, idiocies, and inequalities.  Not the crappy dribble pumped out by the lowclass, high cash moronic Hollywood producers; I'm talking great stuff.  For an idea, these are my favorite movies of all time (so far.  If you know me you know that these will change next week.)
Apocalypse Now Redux Francis Ford Coppola's epic masterpiece (that's plagiarism x 4000) about the struggle between nature and rationalism, set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War.
Mulholland Drive The best David Lynch movie by far, in my opinion, and David Lynch is my favorite director.  Deals with the topic of dreams, fantasties, hallucinations, etc., and the separation between them and reality.
Rififi A gorgeous, beautifully made film from the 1950s that has virtually no dialogue in its most effective parts.  Words cannot express... it's about karma and choices and loyalty.
The Four Hundred Blows Francois Truffaut's first movie; it's semi-autobiographical and very comforting when you think the world's against you.  Gorgeous cinematography.
Blade Runner Dark futuristic film noir movie about souls, humanity, and what makes a human human.  I suggest the director's cut, because it's better and more logical.
Amelie Haha!  I let a feel good movie slip onto my list.  This is a wonderful movie about kindness, doing good things, and it's just great.  Descriptive skills failing me....
American Beauty Lester Burnham is a man who decides to live again, and the other characters have plots too... all involve what truly living is, and the characters are great.
Blue Velvet One of David Lynch's earlier movies about loss of inocence and many other things... definitely not for the faint of heart or those who are uncomfortable with onscreen sex or violence.
Orphans of the Storm Silent movie starring the kickbooty Gish sisters.  Story about the French revolution, and really effective cinematography.
The Godfather Another Coppola. This one about the family...if you don't know what it's about, where have you been?  Ok, if you really don't know, the name's a link.
