Webmonkey's HTML Tutorial The best HTML tutorial I have found to date, using plain English and humor as an antidote to technish.
Google It's google. What else is there? I heard a reference to it on the West Wing.
No-Effort Online Productions Chris Coutts' online film site. Offers truly no effort movies for your genuine viewing pleasure. Try "Tales from the l33t".
Muffin Films Some of the finer films in all the world. Try just one; bet you can't, can you?
HeHeHe I don't even know what this one is called... it's really lame but so amusing...and fast loadation too!!
Bubble Wrap Site Endless hours of bubble wrap pleasure...rollovers...mmmm
Dye My Hair Helpful helpful helpful!
Caffeine Destiny Definitely my kind of site. A magazine, literary upon cursory inspection, named in honor of one of the best substances in the world.
Real Ultimate Power!!!!! The ninja site is a priceless comedy treasure.
Air Guitar!!!! Another priceless comedy site, this one of the music variety.
Spacegirl A really cool online journal by Angela Martini, who's just a cool person.
Americans for Purity This is another priceless comedy site, although give it a miss if you are gullible or easily offended.
FreeArcade YAYAYYY!!! Games!  Free!
Java Games Free java games for the low tech (ie no shockwave or flash, or too shitty a modem connection to use them).
Crime Library A great place to get facts on all the crimes that are supposed to be common knowledge (and some that aren't).
Asian Prince The personal domain of a egomaniacal mulleted singer...
Hollywood Jesus This page tries to convince viewers that Superman is actually a retelling of the Christ story.
Ask Jesus Jes-ify anything online.
Strong Vincent High School The site of a school in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Free Shakespeare Free Bard!
Subtitle Article A nifty neato cool article about subtitles...
The Onion Satire, satire, satire.
Stop the Hunger Click to feed hungry people for free... it's all in the corporate sponsors.
The Hunger Site See above.
UniSci Online Science News Keep in touch with what's happening in the science world...
The Magnolia One of Dallas's independent theaters
The Angelika Another one of Dallas's independent theaters.
Hats of Meat Just go.  Don't ask.
Mullets Galore Invariably, it all comes back to the mullet.
Cow Revolutionaries Ok, then, this is one of those sites where you just don't ask.
The Online Cheese Society Pretty much self-explainatory; do you like cheese?
Ask Swami Hehe... thanks Bria, for the ultimate boredom remedy... ask Swami and her magical crystal ball a question.
