I almost had a musical orgasm over this, and the music was all in my head. Phil rules.

Pink over Jasmine under blue lights
Take me loving to tell a tale of signs
Ever is the walking moonlight glistning
Take a taken token life for a ride

Make your bed to rest upon it
Tell your love to lie awake at home
Live a lie and then to build upon it
Take an always saddened daughter home

Overwritten words will fall upon us
Under every bridge there lives a troll
Only every story's never over
And the light is never far from gone

Make a stabbing dash towards independance
Steal them all they ever wished they had
Take me longing for a rushing river
Down to where the water's always sad

Crying all her tears in desperation
Wishing for somebody else's words
She has one long tale of adoration
And never all her dancing words are heard

No one stops to hear a streetlight whisper
But then our work is never really done
For every day is followed by a new one
And every night is broken by the sun

Rising from the land of broken lovers
Taking from the book of broken lies
Living out our deaths in rotting pages
Telling everyone until we die

That love is nothing more than just a feeling
Feelings always nothing more than words
Please don't try to wake the sleeping tortise
His shell is thicker than a thousand worlds

Trickling down the street i found the nothing
Finding means so very much to us
Meaning isn't so much as it's meant for
Down the road lies only what we must

Find me breaking bottles on the streetsign
Line your love in rows and drink it up
Broken dreams are falling so delighted
Through the snow we find the things we've lost

Mostly almost all of us are nothing
Never wasn't such an evil pause
Lost inside a world of dark ambition
Clawing out our eyes we wore our loss

Woken by the silver moon above us
Darkness takes the light of all our dreams
Skies so bright have never been so dreary
Seven were the somethings we once seemed

But now it's never over with the sunrise
Run along before the others leave
Built from other everybody's kindness
Torn from all the pages we believed

Were we really woken up to broken beauty
We should only shattered rainbows see
Fallen from the sky are stars surrounding
Drifting in a shining crystal sea

Turn your always broken cresting waves back
We can fold the world inside a sail
Send a ship to find what's never sacred
Take our leap of faith to no avail

Fall into the blackness that is always
Black is never pretty when it's wrong
Always isn't everything to no one
Words can always burn till you belong

Beginning isn't nearly hard as ending
Taking just that final one last step
When the floor is lost for all the sleeping
In all the lies there's but one promise kept

Lie upon the floor and count the ceiling
Tell a tale of virtue wrapped in sin
Hours spinning faster left us reeling
Seeing none but we could take us in

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